On Friday, 139 Democrats joined with Republicans to pass a $717 billion National Defense Authorization Act, which included a rider preventing Trump from reducing the amount of U.S. imperialist troops on the Korean peninsula.

This NDAA was approved on the 65th anniversary of the signing of the armistice that ended the outright bombing and destruction of Korea, but didn’t end the U.S. war on the Korean people.

Presidents in recent history have all helped the transnational ruling class loot more and more wealth. Obama’s recent Mandela lecture was a prime example of the cognitive dissonance—or perhaps outright fraud—of these servants of the ruling class. In his lecture, Obama described how globalization led to the politics of fear and resentment, but he wouldn’t acknowledge how global capitalism and his presidency created the conditions for it.

BAP National Organizer Ajamu Baraka also spoke about Democratic Party warmongers and the backwardness of Russiagate in an episode of “Your World News”.

In a recent Black Agenda Report piece, Ajamu writes, “Trump, Sanders, Obama, Mueller, and CNN are mere ideological distractions meant to dull our perceptions and prevent us from coming to terms with the awesome reality of our systemic domination.” So if we want to get angry about reporters and whistleblowers being thrown in jail, we can look at Obama for helping expand the state’s suppression.

It was also during the Obama administration that the United States moved with speed and force into invading and occupying Africa, and developing U.S. Africa Command (AFRICOM). However, Chinese investment as well as people’s liberation movements are turning the tide.

Democrats like Obama also have supported white supremacist regimes like Israel that have long targeted colonized children like Ahed Tamimi, who was recently freed for defending her people on their land.

In China, the state is punishing 37,000 officials for breaching a frugality code. If we applied that standard in the United States, we’d have no one left in the Senate or the White House but the people who clean those buildings!

One of the congresspeople we know would still be left in the building if a frugality code was enacted would be the late Brother Ron Dellums. The indomitable anti-war, anti-militarism congressman, recently died. He loudly advocated for reparations for Black peoples and for African liberation movements. We recognize his creativity and spirit. Presente, Ron!


The breakdown in U.S. society and the collaboration between leftists and liberals continues to disturb many of us. We must intensify our efforts to build the Black Alliance for Peace as a critical formation in the new anti-war movement. We are moving toward our first membership meeting in September. Please help up raise the $10,000 we need to pull off this meeting. Only you can help rebuild this movement.

Join BAP, member organizations Friends of the Congo and Pan African Community Action (PACA), and others for an August 18 panel discussion in Baltimore about the militarization of Black communities and AFRICOM.

The Black Is Back Coalition will hold its annual conference in Saint Louis, August 11-12. BAP is a member of this coalition and we encourage everyone to attend.

Consider attending the Coalition Against U.S. Foreign Military Bases’ is hosting the First Annual International Conference Against U.S./NATO Military Bases in November in Dublin, Ireland.

No compromise.

No retreat.

Struggle to win,
Ajamu, Ana, Jaribu, Kali, Lamont, Lukata, Margaret, Netfa, Paul, Vanessa and Yolande
Coordinating Committee
Black Alliance for Peace

P.S. Help us rebuild the Black anti-war movement in the tradition of Black internationalism by contributing today.


Photo credit: Ali Al-Saadi/AFP/Getty